Thursday 13 October 2011

A Change in Motives?

The Corporation brands thenight sky - Oct 2nd 2011
Whilst it's never possible to predict the next move of most metahuman groups, especially ones located in the Rogue Isles, it seems things have been shaken up more than usual lately. As much as we'd like things to sometimes be the clearcut 'Good vs Evil' we see in our Saturday morning cartoons it's really not that simple and in the cold light of various recents events (Praetorian Invasions and the catastophe of Galaxy City) we're starting to see metahumans changing their standpoints.

'Villains' have been seen helping refugees escape the turmoil of Galaxy City out of nothing more than the goodness of their hearts. 'Heroes' have grown untrusting of their colleagues, fearing the effects of Praetoria, some indulging in more vigilante behaviour. It seems even individuals and groups whose morals seemed to be set in stone have been shaken making the metascene one big headache.

In days gone by there were whispers about The Corporation and how the band of professional criminals operated. Despite a lackof specifics, one thing was clear, they were always professional, strikes made quickly and if it could be avoided civilians were kept out of the way. Their recent attacks on Paragon however show a bizarre degree of ego. Individual members of the group have been prone to bravado in the past but the firework that branded the Paragon skyline was truly baffling. Has The corporation stopped working professionally for money and started to indulge in villainous acts purely to serve their own ends? Are they declaring war on Paragon while rumours state that Arachnos already have bounties on some of their heads? What are we missing?

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